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Successful Client Engagements

How we help companies with our data protection services

Data Protection and privacy laws place significant emphasis on accountability and governance around the processingof personal data by organisations.


Outsourced Data Protection Officer

A fully tailored and managed outsourced DPO (Data Protection Officer) service that ensures an independent, professional and informed approach is carried out by dedicated industry professionals, allowing you to focus on your core business.


Audit Services

Our audit service will determine whether activities involving the processing of personal data are carried out in accordance with your organisation’s data protection policies and procedures, and whether such processing meets the regulatory requirements of data protection law.


EU & UK Representation Service

Our appointed representative service provides you with access to an established and experienced representation service across the UK and all EU member states to meet the requirements of GDPR, Article 27.


Advice & Support

Appoint dedicated industry professionals on a case by case basis who have the knowledge and practical expertise of data protection law to ensure and demonstrate compliance. This includes, but is not limited to: DSAR support, DPIA support and Personal Data Breach Management.


NHS Data Toolkit

All organisations that have access to NHS patient data and systems– including NHS Trusts, primary care and social care providers and commercial third parties– must complete the Toolkit to provide assurance that they are practising good data security and that personal information is handled correctly.


Why choose us?

Bruce & Butler are dedicated to equipping organisations of all shapes and sizes with vigorous data protection measures to minimise risk while maximising credibility.Our dedicated team of data protection experts hold many years of experience across a broad range of sectors. We’ve encountered – and successfully remediated – virtually every form of data protection threat an organisation may encounter. Put simply, we’re the experts in our field.

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