A Fully-Outsourced DPO Service

Our fully-outsourced DPO service allows your organisation to ensure full compliance with GDPR Articles 37-39 in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Outsourcing your DPO means you’ll receive exactly the right amount of support your organisation requires, with the ability to scale up or down in the future. This allows for substantially more flexibility – and substantially less overhead – than hiring an in-house Data Protection Officer.

Our expert DPOs adhere strictly to the tasks set out in Article 39, including:

Informing and advising you and your team about your ongoing obligations to comply with the GDPR (as well as other common data protection laws)

Monitoring data protection compliance on an ongoing basis & actively managing all internal data protection activities

Conducting internal audits to identify & remediate any data protection issues

Providing staff training on all aspects of data protection compliance

Serving as the first point of contact for individuals whose data is processed, as well as supervisory authorities

In addition to their obligations listed under Article 39, our outsourced DPOs complete any and all necessary tasks related to personal data processing:

Risk analysis & providing risk-based advice to organisations, as well as taking into account the nature, scope and purposes of more-risky data processing

Documenting instances where their advice is not followed to demonstrate accountability​

Qualified Outsourced DPO’s

The law says that you should appoint a DPO on the basis of their professional qualities, and in particular, experience and expert knowledge of data protection law. Whilst it doesn’t specify the precise credentials they are expected to have, it does say that this should be proportionate to the type of processing you carry out, taking into consideration the level of protection the personal data requires.

So, where the processing of personal data is particularly complex or risky, the knowledge and abilities of the DPO should be correspondingly advanced enough to provide effective oversight. It would therefore be an advantage for your DPO to also have a good knowledge of your industry or sector, as well as your data protection needs and processing activities.

All of our outsourced DPOs have achieved or are working towards the Certified Information Privacy Professional of Europe (CIPP/E) Qualification.

Do You Need An Outsourced DPO?

You are legally required to appoint a DPO if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • The data you have access to is processed by a public authority or body.
  • The “core activities” of the Data Processor require regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale.
  • The “core activities” of the Data Processor consist of large-scale processing of “special categories of personal data” or data relating to criminal convictions and offences.

Voluntary Appointment?

You can appoint a Outsourced Data Protection Officer on a voluntary basis to give your organisation and its stakeholders added assurance and to also further demonstrate and meet accountability requirements under the GDPR.  A Data Protection Officer can be a member of staff or an appointed 3rd party retained on a service contract.

Importance of The Role

Whilst not always a full-time role, DPOs are required to be independent and have specialist data protection expertise. This role is becoming increasingly important due to the The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) having the ability and power to impose significant financial penalties when organisations fail to protect personal data. The risk of reputational damage proving potentially terminal for an organisation.


Plans that fit your business

Get in touch to discuss your needs.

Small Business

0-25 employees
from £495/month
This includes the following:
Minimum 4hrs Support Per Month
Monthly Progress Meetings
Secure Client Portal
Dedicated Advisor
Enquire Now

Medium Business

26-199 employees
from £875/month
This includes the following:
UK GDPR Gap Analysis
Minimum One Day Support Per Month
Monthly Progress Meetings
Secure Client Portal
Dedicated Advisor
Enquire Now


200+ employees
This includes the following:
UK GDPR Gap Analysis
Tailored Support Based on Requirements
Monthly Progress Meetings
Secure Client Portal
Dedicated Team of Advisors
Enquire Now
*A UK GDPR Gap Analysis is required for all Medium & Large/Enterprise Business’ before the DPO contract starts

The Benefits of Outsourcing Your DPO

  • A dedicated point of contact to provide a consistent and personal service. Outsourced DPOs can make use of their best practice experience from other companies for your organisation’s benefit, creating a synergy effect
  • Practical and cost effective. The outsourced DPO packages offered by Bruce & Butler may well be more price-effective than then long-term costs of deploying your own staff resources
  • Your main point of contact takes responsibility for the role and (at no additional cost) is supported by a team of other specialists at Bruce & Butler who step in when required, therefore ensuring a seamless and continual service and removing the distraction, cost and inconvenience of recruiting replacements
  • External and independent assurance free from any conflict of interest. CEOs, Head of IT, HR, Marketing and Legal Advisors are in general unable to act as appointed DPOs, which can make selecting a DPO more challenging
  • Guidance & advice from dedicated industry professionals. Organisations are required to appoint a DPO based on professional experience. We have the specialist knowledge and have received advanced training without you having to pay for it
  • Ensures the DPO requirements, under GDPR Articles 37-39, are met. Organisations experiencing difficulty recruiting a qualified and experienced DPO can appoint an outsourced DPO in the short to medium term to fill the gap

Fundamentally, we believe that all these benefits, and more, combined mean a Bruce & Butler Outsourced DPO provides far greater value for this key role than is possible from a small team, a single independent contractor or an internal employee.