Why Use An External Data Protection Consultant?

  • Life as an in-house Data Protection Officer (DPO) or Data Protection Lead can be challenging, with numerous tasks to complete and too few days in the week.
  • Not only do you have to deal with day-to-day matters, but you are also responsible for strategy and governance, dealing with subject rights requests, internal reviews, assisting marketing and HR, and potentially, at some point, dealing with a personal data breach.
  • You may often feel stretched and in need of support – that’s where we come in. Bruce & Butler have a suite of flexible data protection consultancy services designed to support each and every organisation to fulfil their data protection and privacy needs.

Our Data Protection Consultancy Services

Bruce & Butler provides a comprehensive range of data protection consultancy expertise to complement its Outsourced DPO, Audit and EU + UK Representation services.

Engaging our consultancy services allows your organisation to appoint dedicated industry professionals on a case by case basis who have the knowledge and practical expertise of data protection law and practices to ensure and demonstrate compliance.

We can act as an extension of your Data Protection function by giving you tailored support on practical activities that are an inherent part of GDPR compliance, but which can be time and resource consuming. For example, this includes:

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